The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina



Board Governance Committee

Committee Purpose

To prepare, assist, and equip the State Workforce Development Board (SWDB) to be the leading advocate for innovative, coordinated workforce development in South Carolina.

Committee Functions/Duties

  • Equip  SWDB members with resources and tools to be leaders and drivers of workforce development
  • Provide opportunities for SWDB members to be engaged with workforce efforts and support SWDB initiatives
  • Support SWDB direction and decisions with data and systematic processes
  • Develop members to be effective advocates on a local, state, and national level
  • Develop and monitor board-related policies
  • Establish and internally communicate the board’s position on governance issues
  • Evaluate the workforce development system on a continual basis
  • Gather and present data for establishment of best practices and continuous quality improvement
  • Other responsibilities as assigned by the SWDB

PY '15 Accomplishments

  • Initiated new business engagement program resulting in significant upswing in engaged businesses
  • Evaluated and approved Evolve-SC Funding matching a Technical college and employer need for a certificated outcome
  • Deployed board mentoring program for each new board member who desired a mentor
  • Approved and helped coordinate WIOA training provided by an external consultant
  • Presented charter for new Priority Populations Committee
  • Presented WIOA compliant bylaws


  • Transition business engagement oversight to SC Works Management Committee by end of  calendar year 2016
  • Develop a glossary of acronyms common to the workforce system and provide to all board members
  • Establish an electronic information sharing platform which can then take the place of emails sent by staff with multiple attachments
  • Develop a “job description” or similar document for SWDB members
  • Lead the SWDB to conduct strategic planning and develop a strategic plan unique to the SWDB
  • Implement the SWDB term limits and develop a tangible recognition program for outgoing SWDB members, to include a certificate for honorable service